Section 5 Interactive Visualization
Following Part IV of the methodology, we will now create an interactive visualization to represent feelings of anxiety through space in London. This visualization integrates a continuous raster layer of interpolated heart rate values, and point-based personal comments on emotional state.
The following libraries are required for this visualization:
We will begin by reading in the necessary data:
# read in the heart rate raster
r <- raster("data/smoothed.tif")
# read in the personal comments
combined <- read.csv('data/final_comments.csv')
Now we will set the colour palettes that we will use to visualize this data.
# colour palette for the raster
pal_rast <- colorNumeric(c("#FBEC3C", "#F76C52", "#4B056F"), values(r),
na.color = "transparent")
# colour palette for the markers
pal_markers <- colorFactor(c("#8E09DC", "#FBF3A9"), combined$Sentiment)
We will also use some basic HTML to customize the formatting for the labels and popups on our map.
# formatting for the marker popups
popup_lab <- paste0('<b>Direction of impact on anxiety: </b>', combined$Sentiment, '<br><b>Theme:</b> ', combined$Theme, '<br><b>Note:</b> <i>', combined$ï..Note, '</i>')
# formatting for the map title
map_title <- HTML("Anxiety Levels in London<br>Dec 4-14, 2019")
# formatting for the legend title
legend_title <- HTML("Personal Comments<br>(Impact on anxiety)")
Now we will use the Leaflet package to create our interactive map.
leaflet() %>%
# add basemap tiles
options = providerTileOptions(opacity = 0.9)) %>%
# add the anxiety raster
colors = pal_rast,
opacity = 0.9,
group = 'Heart Rate') %>%
# add points for the personal comments
lng = ~combined$X_coord,
lat = ~combined$Y_coord,
group = 'Personal Comments',
stroke = TRUE,
fillOpacity = 1,
color = ~pal_markers(combined$Sentiment)) %>%
# Layers control
overlayGroups = c("Personal Comments", "Heart Rate"),
options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = TRUE)
) %>%
# add legend for the raster values
addLegend(pal = pal_rast,
values = values(r),
title = "Heart Rate",
opacity = 1,
group = 'Heart Rate') %>%
# add legend for the personal comments
addLegend(pal = pal_markers,
values = combined$Sentiment,
title = legend_title,
opacity = 1,
group = 'Personal Comments') %>%
# add scale bar to the map
addScaleBar(position = "bottomright") %>%
# add title to the map
addControl(map_title, position = "bottomleft")
A full page version of this map can be found here.